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The Doctor Anonymous Show welcomes back Dr. Gwenn from "Pediatrics Now" and "Dr. Gwenn Is In" returns this week as our special co-host for the show. Our guests will be Vicky and Jen from the popular podcast and blog called "Vicky & Jen" where they talk about parenting topics. (also check out the facebook promo video above)

If you didn't already know, Dr. Gwenn has been a guest a few times of the Vicky & Jen Podcast called "What Really Matters." I encourage you to check out their "Easy Pediatrics" series of podcasts. I've listened to them, and it's a lot of great information!

I also encourage you to check out some of their recent blog posts including, "Respectful Parenting," "Friendship Among Women," and "Cellphones: Should I Say Yes?" Join us Thursday, February 26th, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time on BlogTalkRadio for The Doctor Anonymous Show. See you there!