
Show 76 Wrap-up

Thanks so much to Colin from the blog "From Medskool" for being on Doctor Anonymous Show 76. (You can listen on the player above or by clicking here) Colin is in his final year of medical school. During our interview, we talked about how he became interested in medicine. Did you know that Colin tried to go big time in Hollywood before med school? Check out the interview for more details.

We also talked about some of his experiences in med school - from the cadaver room to his final year rotations. What does playing jenga have to do with interviewing with residency? Colin tries to put in perspective what the interview process is like for senior medical students. He even gives advice to med students who will be interviewing next year.

Following our med school discussion, we talked about "From Medskool" the blog/website. It kind of makes sense now that since Colin has a background in writing - which led him to Hollywood - this would draw him towards blogs and blog writing. How did Colin get involved with the blog carnival "Grand Rounds?" He talks about that.

Finally, the last 30 minutes of the show, my good friend from high school called into the show. I haven't talked with him in - literally - years. He found me and the show through Facebook. And, he called in to talk and to say hello. In addition to talking about my opinion about my blog post "Stimulus Bill & Health Care," my friend shared a funny high school story. You don't want to miss that.

Really finally, join me on Saturday, February 21st, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time for "The Night Shift with Dr. A," or "On Call with Dr. A." I'm still trying to find a name for the show. We'll be talking a little medicine, health, current events, entertainment, pop culture, and whatever else comes up. See you Saturday night!