
Happy world post day

Did you know that October 9 is World Post Day? Yup, you bet. It's a worldwide celebration of blogging and blog posts. Who knew that the blogosphere could have such a worldwide impact that an entire day is devoted to it.

Well, not really. This day is recognition of snail mail. Here are articles from the Universal Postal Union, South Africa, and Sri Lanka. The following quote is from the United Nations.

World Post Day is celebrated each year on 9 October, the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 in the Swiss Capital, Bern. UPU member countries across the world use the event to emphasize the important role of the postal sector in the daily lives of people and in the social and economic development of countries.
Oh well, maybe some day there will be real recognition for blogging and groups like Blogaholics Anonymous -- HA! Keep on blogging!