
Blog chatter

I'm always flattered and humbled when I'm featured on another blog. And, this time is no exception. Mimi Lenox, one of the newest members of Blogaholics Anonymous, mentioned me in her Sunday Blog Chatter on her blog called Mimi Writes.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back over to Dr. A's and put my name on the BA map and make it unofficially official. It's time I admitted the truth. Which, of course, means that I have to tell my mother the sad saga of my secret addiction first. This could take a while since she doesn't even know what blogging is.

On second thought, this could wait a day or two. Couldn't it? Let's let her sleep in peace one more night.

Mimi has a second blog called Book Meme Central (where I'll also be featured *wink*). She describes this blog as the place where all Memes come to be immortalized. A comprehensive collection of book memes from across the globe. If you have a chance, check out these blogs. You won't be disappointed. Thanks Mimi!