
Match Week 2013 & Social Media


​In about half an hour, Match Week 2013 begins. What is this? This is the annual "Super Bowl" for medical schools in which senior medical students find out where they will be continuing their medical education after medical school graduation. Today, residency programs will find out if they filled out all of their slots for next year's intern class - a stressful day for residency programs.

This week is a Celebration for Medical Education, especially for medical schools and residency programs. It's also a week where medical schools will compete for the best Social Media marketing out there. That's where it is fun for me (and for you) to watch.

The video above is from the 2012 Match Day celebration from Eastern Virginia Medical School where it is like a Talent Show competition as students find out where they matched for residency. This is a crazy video! Match Day for the medical students is Friday. So, watch twitter and facebook for all the creative videos that will happen at the med school level. My guess is that the Harlem Shake will be the Flash Mob music of choice this year.​

Best of luck to all the Medical Students and Residency programs out there as you being Match Week 2013. I hope all of you blow us away with your Social Media presentations this week!​