
The Doctor Anonymous Show Featured on iTunes

When I was checking out the iTunes store last weekend, I was pleasantly surprised to find the image above. What is it? Well, it's The Doctor Anonymous Show in the "New and Notable" section of iTunes. Of course, the show is in the podcast section of iTunes. But, it's under the "Health" category and "Alternative Health" sub-category.

Now, I had no idea that the show was going to be on iTunes. I had nothing to do with that. I would imagine that BlogTalkRadio makes a feed available to iTunes and that's how it got there. And, there is no "medicine" category at BTR, so that's probably how the show ended up in the iTunes health category.

As I was exploring more the "Health" podcast category of iTunes, I saw the image above. It is the "Featured" section. And, do you see the lower right corner of the graphic above? Well, it's The Doctor Anonymous Show featured on ITunes! Now, granted, it's on the last page of the "Alternative Health" section, but I'm featured, baby - at least for now.

So, here's my plea. For those of you who enjoy The Doctor Anonymous Show, I encourage you to subscribe to my iTunes feed. Also, please leave me a review over there on iTunes. I hope to climb the ladder of popular podcasts over there on iTunes. And, I can do exactly that, with your help. Thanks so much for your continued support for the show!