Welcome to those of you who are visiting my site because of my participation at the 2015 YouToo Social Media Conference on the campus of Kent State University. Thanks to my long time social media friend Luke Armour for the invitation. He is assistant professor at Kent State University in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I remember meeting Luke all the way back at Podcamp Ohio 2008.
I'm excited to be on a Medicine & Social Media Panel with our pal Dr Vivian von Gruenigen (@DoctorViv) who is a social media superstar with the creation of the Summa Flourish blog, which is a leading voice on Women's Health. This panel will be moderated by Dino Baskovic, digital media consultant (@professordino). You can follow the conference on twitter through the hashtag #YouToo2015
I'm hoping to showcase the HealthCare Social Media community to this conference. I'm bringing a lot of stories with me along with a list of people and resources to share during my panel. If you've found my website because of the conference, feel free to look around my site, and to leave comments and questions at the "Contact" link above.
I'm also hoping to do some crazy stuff like live video streaming from the stage using something like Meerkat or Periscope. In addition, I'm going to try to answer your questions and interact with all of you on twitter during the panel. In looking at the youtoo conference youtube page, it looks like there will be a live twitter stream that can be seen at the front of the meeting room. That should be fun! Thanks again for stopping by my website!
Testimonials from students and professors who have attended the YouToo Social Media conference in the past answer the question "why should I attend YouToo?" How about professional networking, cutting-edge social media, a student-only session with Keynote speaker Gini Dietrich, lunch and a networking dessert? You're in luck. We have them all.