
Carrying Loss During The Holidays

What a beautiful day here in northeastern Ohio. It was a crisp 39 degrees at Beaver Creek State Park today as we hiked close to sunset. This hike really reminded me of the time when my father was sick two years ago. 

In the past few weeks, I’ve seen on by feed that there are many of my Facebook friends have experienced loss with the passing of a family member recently. And, for others, they are remembering family members who have passed away during holiday time.

For all those Carrying Loss during this holiday season, I just wanted to let you know that there is a huge community out here who grieves with you, and who feel similar to where you are at these days. I’m sending positive thoughts to you and your family during this tough time.

For everyone else, I hope that you remember those friends and family members who could be having a tough time this holiday season. During this hectic holiday season, I hope that you are able to get out and enjoy nature and/or find some kind of self-care these days. Have a great week everyone!