At a family medicine office, the week between Christmas and New Years, is usually pretty relaxed. Usually during this week, I’m doing things like tidying up my office, and doing some office cleaning that I have been neglecting for the past 51 weeks.
However, we are now in the age of COVID. And this week has been unlike any other week in my professional life, and I’ve been in practice more than 20 years. Our office is fortunate in that we have access to COVID test kits (at least for now), and as soon as our office turned on our phones Monday morning, the phone lines did light up like the Christmas tree that we have in our waiting room. And, we are seeing more patients now, then during our busiest time of the year.
Don’t get me wrong, the positive test results that are happening are not just in “the unvaccinated.” We are seeing positive tests in those “triple vaccinated,” as well. So, yes, there is a chance that you’ll get COVID, even if you’re vaccinated. However, in the cases that I have seen, those who have been vaccinated, are just not as sick. Of course, that is my own anecdotal story, and strictly speaking not “scientific evidence.”
Something that all of us can agree on is that we are tired of this pandemic. We may have different opinions on how we got here, and how to get out of the pandemic. But, if you do seek medical attention for whatever ails you, please keep in mind that those who work in medical offices (and hospitals and anyone in the medical field) are people too are we want to help you, and we want to vent about this pandemic just like you. All I ask is that you pack some patience and understanding when you go to the doctor’s office, especially during this holiday time. Thank you for reading this, and hope you are having a good week....