
One Hurricane Harvey Story

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Not only is Dr. Troy Fiesinger a Family Physician, but he is also a long time resident of the Houston, Texas area. Something interesting I saw on my Facebook feed was Dr. Troy posting news and updates from the Houston area. So, I reached out to him to see if he would be interested and available to share his story. I was honored that he shared his story exclusively with me, and we conducted a Facebook Live interview less than a week following landfall of the storm.

In the links below, I have made available an audio file for you to listen to you from my The Dr. Mike Sevilla Podcast. In addition, I tried to edit our 60 minute interview into smaller portions which make things easier to you to digest. 

Finally, I encourage you to donate to whatever charity you choose. For me, I recommend the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Foundation. I look forward to talking with Dr. Troy more at the upcoming AAFP Family Medicine Experience conference (#AAFPFMX on twitter).