
Previewing #NCCL2015 Leadership Conference

Thanks to our pal Kim Yu for joining Gerry Tolbert and me on tonight's edition of Countdown to #AAFP2014. For the first portion of tonight's show, Gerry and talked about the first part of the week which will be the AAFP Congress of Delegates meeting.

Then, we received a message from Kim if she could join the show. And, yes, it took me 18 minutes to figure out how to do that - Sheesh. Even though Kim was feeling ill, she felt strongly about joining us for "the big reveal" of our promo video.

The AAFP National Conference of Constituency Leaders will take place in April 2015, and during tonight's show, we premiered a promo video with a Star Trek theme with the cooperation of AAFP Board leaders. You'll see the video at the bottom of this post, and you can also access at

As I've said previously, I'm part of an awesome team of people who will be Social Media Ambassadors at the #AAFP2014 conference. We'll be tweeting out using the hashtag. We'll be taking photos and posting places like instagram. We'll be recording video interviews, and doing other cool stuff.

The new promo video is below. Please, please, please share the link on your twitter and Facebook feeds. I'm really hoping to have a bunch of views going into the DC meeting in a couple of weeks. In addition, for you audio listeners, you can download the audio podcast at this link, or just listen in the player below. I'm trying this out to see if there is interest in this. I'll try pretty much any social media format, and you know I have! Enjoy!