Thanks again to my new friends at the Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians meeting for the invitation to speak at their Annual Meeting about the topic of Social Media and Family Medicine. I've been doing these type of talks for Family Docs from coast to coast for about 2 years now, and I'm happy to report that I'm seeing less and less clueless looks from the audience.
The Family Medicine community, through the education efforts of many of my friends from #FMRevolution, is starting to come around as far as recognizing the importance of social media for patient education, marketing, and advocacy.
I intentionally did not tweet a lot or use facebook that much during sessions, because I found myself in a lot of "sidebar" conversations with people I sat next to. I made a lot of new Nebraska friends at the meeting, and I caught up with long time Family Medicine friends.
The strength of "in person" meetings is still the "in person" part. Already on twitter, just this weekend, I'm seeing Family Medicine meetings in Nebraska, Michigan, New Hampshire, Oregon, and, of course, Ohio.
I encourage my #FMRevolution friends to not only use social media this weekend, but don't forget to make those more important "in person" connections as well. We WILL spread the Family Medicine Revolution: One person at a time...