
Internet Safety: Salem PD Presentation


I have the honor of presenting today along with our local police department and the county prosecutor's office on the topic of Internet Safety. Presenting to our local community about social media is an intriguing challenge for me. I mean, I've presented nationally to physicians about social media, and I've talked with my patients about social media. I've only had a couple of opportunities to present locally. I'll try to take some pics and share them with you.

Among the topics that will be covered will be cyberbullying and sexting. I only recently learned of the 2008 case of 18 year old Jessica Logan from the Cincinnati, Ohio area who committed suicide over a case of sexting followed by cyberbulling after their break up. How tragic.

In my section, I will be talking about the internet and social media framed around physical health, social/emotional health, and social media reputation. I've talked in the past about technology related physical ailments. In talking social/emotional, I'll be asking questions like "Is Facebook Making Us Lonely, and exploring "My So Called (Double) Life on Facebook." 

Welcome to those of you who are visiting the site for the first time, especially from my presentation. As promised, here are a few links which are good Social Media Resources for Parents and Teens:

The slides I used from my presentation are below. I also invite you to check out (and "like") the facebook page for this site. There's also my YouTube page, my podcast site, my twitter feed, my linked-in page, my slideshare page, and my twitter storify page. Enjoy!