
Family Medicine Marketing

What an amazing show last night with guests Gerry Tolbert, April Foreman, and Tony Wood. Thanks also to Ben Miller for calling in and to Gregg Masters and Kirk Ackerson for participating in the chat room. What is the best way to market Family Medicine? This is a question that I have been continually asking on the show.

And, it was this healthcare video contest that really sparked another chance on how to tell the Family Medicine story. At the beginning of Family Medicine Rocks Episode 272, we were nowhere, and I really thought that after an hour, we would graciously give up and say that we gave it a good try.

However, as you'll see in the video above, a magic moment happened at about minute 55 or 60 of the podcast. The idea to look toward the words of Family Medicine's founding fathers to be the backdrop of the video and show the ideas and concepts back then are the exact same ideas that we're still talking about today. Core beliefs than span generations.

We're on a very short timeline, but I do want to reach out to the Family Medicine and #FMRevolution community to assist us in this project. I encourage you to watch the video above, listen to the audio podcast, and reflect on what kind of story you would tell for Family Medicine.

You can download the entire audio podcast here or in the link below. Watch the video highlights of the show here. I also encourage you to follow me on twitter, "like" the facebook page for the show, watch my youtube page, and check out my linked in page. Enjoy!


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Download Ep272 Here