Welcome to those of you who are checking my website out from the 2012 Exl Digital Pharma West meeting in San Francisco. The meeting organizers were gracious enough to extend another invitation to speak this year. I was also part of a panel discussion in 2010.
The title of my talk is "Physicians, Social Media, and Pharma: Challenges and Opportunities." The final copy of the slides are below. You can also download the presentation here from my slideshare account. A lot of what I have to say has already been stated in the great twitter stream for the conference this year.
I'm also going to be part of a panel called "Epatients & EDocs" along with Kelly Young, also known as @RAWarrior on twitter, and also Sean Aherns, founder of Crohnology which is a patient-to-patient forum about the GI diagnoses of Crohn's Disease and Colitis.
To track the conference, I encourage you to follow the #digpharm twitter stream which has a great group of people tweeting out the conference. For those new to my website, I encourage you to check out my podcast, follow me on twitter, "Like" my facebook page, check out my TV interviews from local TV news, and my Linked-In page. Thanks for checking out my site!