The AAFP Family Medicine Congressional Conference (#FMCC or #aafpFMCC on twitter) will take place on May 13-14, 2012 in Washington, DC. During this conference, attendees will be updated on the legislative issues of highest importance to the AAFP. You can see a draft agenda of the conference here.
On day 2, this is the opportunity for meeting attendees to go up to Capitol Hill and talk with Congress representatives, Senators, and their staffs about the issues important to AAFP, Family Medicine, our patients, and our communities. I talk about this more in the video above.
The video segment is from Family Medicine Rocks podcast episode 257 from last week. You can download the episode here or below. You can even subscribe to the iTunes feed to the podcast, or listen in the player below. I also encourage you to follow me on twitter, "like" the facebook page for the site, and check out my you tube page. Enjoy!