Thanks to Dr. Robyn Liu for being my guest on Family Medicine Rocks Episode 254. She is the current New Physician Member on the AAFP Board of Directors. We started our chat with why she loves Family Medicine and how she was drawn to medical school in the first place.
A fascinating part of the interview (at least to me) was her experience of going to the While House, meeting the President, and talking to the White House press corps. She even states that she was on her cell phone at the airport with a press member, she placed her cell phone on the security conveyor belt, picked up the phone on the other side, and kept talking (and being yelled at) by the reporter.
We closed the interview with looking forward to this week's AAFP NCSC meeting (#ncsc12 hastag on twitter). She related funny, and sometimes embarrassing stories of when she was running for elected office at NCSC. It was something about sleeping in when she was supposed to be giving a speech. But, there is a good ending (but you'll have to listen to the show for the whole thing.
Our final topic related back to Show 253 when we were talking about how to market Family Medicine to the American public. Fascinating discussion at the end of the show. You can listen to the show on the player below. Or, you can download the show here or at the bottom of the page. I also encourage you to follow me on twitter, "Like" the facebook page for the show, and to check out my you tube page where I have interviews with local TV news. Enjoy!