
Stronger Family Medicine in 2012


Remember the ancient days of medblogging (like in the early 2000s) when someone would write an entire blog post responding to another blog post? I know in this age of the 140 character twitter posts and "thumbs up" facebook responses, people may not be that familiar (hehe). But, this is a reaction to AAFP President, Glen Stream, MD, post entitled "Lets's Make Ourselves - And Family Medicine - Stronger in 2012." 

@AAFPPrez: And I remain confident of the ability of family physicians to transform health care despite a disappointing and frustrating session of Congress in 2011. We will continue our advocacy efforts in 2012 -- in both the public and private sectors -- regarding payment and other issues vital to the future of family medicine. 

It's hard to believe that just 2 weeks ago that many in the physician community, including me, were focused on the impending Medicare payment cut through talking about it and blogging about it. It's also hard to believe that in about 6 weeks, we'll be right back where we started.

I hope that the physician community reaches out to their local Congressional representative while they are in their home districts while on this recess to inform them about our need to find a permanent solution to the SGR debacle and to again prevent the potential cut in Medicare payments beginning March 1st, 2012.

@AAFPPrez: I hope to make steady improvement in my use of social media to better communicate with you about what the Academy is doing on your behalf. If you're not already, you can follow me on Twitter and FacebookFor those who have contributed to our online discussions, thank you for your questions, feedback and support.

About 4 months into his term, I want to publically recognize and show appreciation to the AAFP President for his efforts on social media platforms like twitter and facebook. He has definitely represented the Academy well.

In this US Presidential election year, I hope that he and the Academy continue to utilize social media outlets for the purposes of advocacy and communication. This will be the most important Presidental election ever, and the Academy needs to use all means necessary to communicate with our members, with patients, with legislators, and anyone else who needs to hear our message.

@AAFPPrez: I plan to exercise five days a week with a goal of being in better shape by the time we meet in October in Philadelphia for Scientific AssemblyI find it's easier to talk to my patients about nutrition and exercise when I'm setting a good example in my own life.

I have a similar goal of improving my fitness. Five days into the new year, I'm doing ok. It's just one day at a time. I'm lucky to have a great emotional support system. And, I agree, that it's easier to talk to my patients about this when I'm following my own advise.

Finally, my continuing goal in 2012 is spread the ideas of Family Medicine and Social Media and to continue to make the case Why Family Medicine Needs Social Media. I'm happy to announce that I have been asked to speak at a pre-conference meeting at the 2012 AAFP National Conference of Special Constituencies meeting in May. So, register today people, because it's going to be a good time!