
AmEdNews: Social Media & Public Health


While I was in Rochester, at the Mayo Clinic Social Media week, I was contacted through my website by American Medical News about social media and public health. There have been numerous examples of social media use in public health.

This article entitied, "Social Media Increasingly Used To Gauge Public Health," from November 7, 2011 - talks about this topic. Here's my quote... 

One such doctor is Mike Sevilla, MD, a family physician in Salem, Ohio, who blogs, tweets and has hundreds of Facebook friends. Dr. Sevilla encourages primary care physicians to spread public health messages to patients and community members by posting on a professional Facebook page a picture of themselves getting vaccinated against influenza or eating a healthy meal.

"Putting these pictures on Facebook lets people in the community know that we are doing what we tell them to do," he said.

I also invite you to check out my other quotes from American Medical News articles: