
NEOUCOM to NEOMU: The Podcast

This is the third post talking about the vote that occurred about 3 weeks ago to change the name of my medical school alma mater from The Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine (NEOUCOM) to Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMU). I also invite you to read my previous posts called "NEOUCOM to NEOMU: Why It Matters" and "NEOUCOM to NEOMU: The Response."

On Saturday, August 14, 2010 (which is incidentially 13 days prior to the inauguration of the new med school president), my podcast called The Doctor Anonymous Show had guest Vishvas Hegde, MD who is Clinical Assistant Professor of Pedaitrics and a proud NEOUCOM alum. He has written letters to the editor of local newspapers which are referenced on my previous post. In addition, we have received numerous comments from graduates and I mentioned a couple last week.

On the Dr. A Show 178 last weekend, our discussion covered the reasons why some alumni are frustrated not only with the name change, but also by which the process took place and lack of transparency during the name change process. Also of note, there was a current medical student in the chat room who is from another medical school who went through a name change. That person shared that their school is still struggling with the consequences from alumni from the name change of their school.

In the video above, the segment was close to the end of the show. And, our discussion shifted toward what are the next steps and how can the school and the alumni move on from this tension filled moment in time. Some potential solutions were offered. But what we wanted to emphasize in the end is that those who are upset by the decision are not out to embarrass the school. If we didn't love the school, we probably wouldn't have said anything at all. But, I think we speak for a lot of alumni who would like to continue to support the school, it's just that there are still many questions out there that continue to be unanswered by official channels.

I encourage you to listen to the entire audio podcast in the player below. Of if you like, I invite you to go to the iTunes page for the show, download Show 178, and listen at your leisure. I also encourage you to check out the Facebook page for the show and hit the "Like" button at the top of the facebook page. Finally, check out more of my blog and my you tube channel. Thanks for taking the time to listen to our point of view on this subject...

Addendum: I encourage you to check out my five part series on this topic including "Why It Matters," "The Response," "Name Change," "The Podcast", and "Show 185 Wrap-Up."

by Mike Sevilla, MD