
Dr. A Show 155 Wrap-up: Dr. Lucy Hornstein

Yes, I know. It's been over a month since the interview and I'm just posting the wrap-up now? Oh well, what can I say? I did want to thank Dr. Lucy for being a guest on Dr. A Show 155. It was such a great time talking with her on a variety of topics. Her story of starting out a solo Family Practice is just fascinating to me. You get a little piece of that in the video above. If you enjoyed that, then I invite you check out Video Clip 2, Video Clip 3, and Video Clip 4.

There is also an audio podcast of the entire interview as well. You can listen in the player above. Or, if you like, you can download the show and listen anytime by clicking here. Dr. Lucy recently moved her blog to wordpress. So, I encourage you to check out her new digs at the new Musings of A Dinosaur site. Thanks also for her very nice post about her experience on the show. I really appreciate it!