I invite you to join us for Doctor Anonymous Show 153 when our guest will be EMS Podcaster and Educator - Greg Friese. I have felt that I have really gotten to know some of those in the EMS/Fire social media community in the past few weeks. I had no idea that community was so active in the social media space.
Greg's name kept popping up in all the EMS/Fire podcasts that I have been listening to and in my opinion, is one of the leading voices in that community. I am very much looking forward to our interview. As you can see from Greg's linked in page, he is involved in a number of projects including EverydayEMSTips, EMSEduCast, and a number of other social media projects.
So, I hope that you can join us on Thursday, March 11th, 2010 at 9pm Eastern Time for Doctor Anonymous Show 153. I also invite you to check out the video promo below. Don't forget to become a Facebook Fan of my show and to check out my iTunes page. Hope you're having a great week!