
Show 145 Wrap-up: Drew Griffin

Thanks so much to Drew Griffin from The Wound Care Education Institute for coming on Doctor Anonymous Show 145. We had a great conversation about how he became interested in health/medicine and his path toward nursing - and then subsequently his interest in wound care. We then talked more about specifics about WCEI and how a physician (like me) can approach on how to care for a wound.

Following this clinical conversation, we talked about his personal website and is passion of digital/social media. The first question I asked him was his opinion of the iPad (how could I do that? hehe). Then we talked about the importance organized medicine should become more involved in social media.

As always, you can listen to the show on the player above. Or, if you like, you can download the show and listen anytime by clicking here. Also check out the show wrap-up video below. My next show will be Show 146 which will be on Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 9pm Eastern Time. Hope to see you then!