
Show 87 Wrap-up

Thanks again to Victoria from VP Medical for being a guest on Show 87 (You can listen to the show on the player here or even download the show by clicking here and listen to the show anytime). We had a great discussion on how she found medicine and a nursing career in the first place. And, then progression to her current work as a case manager and patient advocate. She takes on workers compensation cases and also cases of people who are in the assisted living setting. (also check out the video post above)

Following our discussion, I talked about the 2nd annual United Nations World Autism Awareness Day. There is still a lot of controversy about the possible causes and associations of autism with things like vaccinations. I talk about that during the last part of the show. I also reviewed the recent Doctors Day this week and my weekend trip to Washington DC. Thanks so much to Annette Jones, another BlogTalkRadio host, for asking a question during the autism segment.

Thanks also to Mother Jones, RN for trying to give me "guilt" for not visiting her when I was in DC. It was a funny exchange. You gotta take a listen to that. I also announced that I will be in Chicago later this month for a conference, and hope to broadcast from the famous "Annie and Burl Live" studios in the windy city. What do you think about this - "The Doctor Anonymous Snuggie Show." It could be a reality - hehe.

Join me and my co-host Kat for "The Night Shift" which will be Saturday, April 4th, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time on BlogTalkRadio. One of the topics I'm going to cover is the ER Series Finale which aired last night. I have it recorded. So, I will have to watch it later. I was early in my medical school career when ER premiered. So, I'll share that story and much more with all of you. Have a great weekend everybody!

Update: Check out BlogWorldExpo Radio on BlogTalkRadio - The show on Friday, April 3rd at 3pm Eastern Time where they will be talking about the Med Track at BW/NME. Also, according to this tweet, it appears that Dr. Val and Kim will be on this show. So, check it out if you can!