Thanks so much to Dr. Gwenn and Vicky & Jen for being on Show 78. (You can listen to the show on the player above, or download the show by clicking here). We had a great conversation about how Vicky & Jen started their podcast and then their blog. Other topics included monitization, the Vicky & Jen community, future plans for the show, and how the podcast/blog has changed them.
Also, good luck to Dr. Gwenn who is going to be starting a BlogTalkRadio show of her own called "A Dose of Dr. Gwenn." Her first show will be Thursday, March 5th at 4pm eastern time.
Finally, I'd like to invite you to my Saturday night show which is the "Night Shift" which will be Saturday, February 28th, 2009 at 9pm eastern time on BlogTalkRadio. We'll be talking about news topics including the latest on the octuplet story. There have been some interesting developments on that this week. See you Saturday! (Also check out the promo video above. Forgive me for looking and sounding so tired in this video. Been a long week at work - Ugh.)