In my opinion, justice was served today with the news of President Bush, in his last full day in office, commuting the sentences of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos (left in the picture above) and Jose Alonso Compean (right). According to this story from FoxNews, their sentences will expire on March 20, 2009 and then they will be able to go home to be with their families.
I did want to recognize my good friends Annie and Burl for having the courage not only to talk about this topic on their show, but also to have the wives of these individuals, other family members, and a staff member from a US Congressman's office on their show on January 14, 2009. They didn't have to do that. I mean, they are a comedy show for crying out loud.
I know that they brought more awareness to the BlogTalkRadio audience and their show, I believe, touched a lot of lives and - I think - made people proactive to take action to make their voices be heard for these two American heros. So, thanks again Annie & Burl! I think that you made a difference in this case and for these families!