Thanks so much to my guest Jamie Davis from the ProMed Network which is a new network of medical/health podcasts. (You can also download the show here.) In our conversation, he stated that there will be a big launch of this site later this month with a sponsor. We talked a little bit about how to monetize new media. He has a premium site and he has recorded educational CDs and DVDs which are teaching tools for students. (Also check out the video post above)
We also talked about the podcasts that he produces including The MedicCast and The Nursing Show. What I like about these podcasts are the teaching tidbits that they have. It really makes me think about adding clinical teaching topics to my shows. Just like trying to do a little more patient education during the office visit, maybe I can incorporate that into the show.
The second half of the show had a very different feel than my shows usually do. However, I felt that this story needed to be told. My guest for the 2nd part of the show was Burl from the BlogTalkRadio show Annie and Burl Live. Their most recent show told the story of Border Patrol Agents Jose Compeon and Ignacio Ramos. In my opinion, these American heros are wrongly imprisoned and I hope that President Bush does the right thing and let these gentlemen go home to their families.
Burl and I talked about how he and Annie got involved with this story. He talked about how Facebook got him connected to one of the family members. And, then the family graciously agreed to be on their show. The show also had a staff member from a Congressman's office call into the show to discuss the case. Thanks Annie and Burl for sharing this story and I have faith that the right thing will be done and these families will be reunited soon.
Finally, I wanted to extend an invitation to check out the "Night Shift with Dr. A" which is my new BlogTalkRadio show. The next episode will be this Saturday, January 17th, 2009 at 9pm Eastern Time. My co-host is Kat from the BTR show, the "Llanview Lowdown." We talk a little medicine, a little news, a little entertainment, a little pop culture, and whatever else comes up. Hope you're able to join us!