
Show 49 Wrap-up

Thanks to everyone who joined The Doctor Anonymous Show 49 tonight! Thanks to Kim from Emergiblog who is going out to Blog World Expo in Las Vegas this weekend. We talked about a luncheon that's going to take place out there centered on new media medicine and medical blogging. (See video post above)

There has also been talk that there will be a specific new media medicine and medblogger programming track at Blog World Expo 2009. So, we talked about potential topics including The Health Care Blogger Code of Ethics. Also, in kind of a fun way, we were "volunteering" people to do sessions next year. Thanks so much to the people who called into the show (and makes my job a lot easier so I don't have to talk to myself): Emily, Mother Jones, Enrico.

Also, thanks to everyone who listened live! I had to start the show 45 minutes late tonight because I was stuck at the hospital. But, as soon as I sent the twitter out that the show was starting - BOOM - about 20 people magically appeared in my chat room. The power of Twitter!

After the radio show, I went live on my UStream site. And, there were about 20 people in there chatting it up, and looking at my face as I talked like a pirate - hehe. We listened to music, did out little post morteum of the show, and just hang out. We even had people listening and watching from Australia, India, and South Africa tonight. How cool is that? Thanks so much to everyone for continuing to support the show. Have a great weekend!