
Viva Las Vegas

As I mentioned previously on The Doctor Anonymous Show, there will be no show for May 8, 2008 since I will be out of town. Where am I going? Well, I will be in Vegas Baby! (see video post above) In case anyone is interested, here is the current forecast for Vegas (They say it's a dry heat, right?)

I'm going out there with people from the hospital for a conference. I haven't even looked at the schedule yet, but I hope that it's not an all day thing. What's the time difference out there, anyway? I guess I'll find out. With me being on call last weekend, I'm still catching up on things and haven't been able to think ahead that much.

Our flight leaves this afternoon and we'll be arriving there in the early evening tonight. I hope to be shooting some video out there and posting it here. Wouldn't that be nice? It's been a few years since I've been out there. As with my previous trip this year, make sure to keep track of My Twitter Feed to see what I'm doing. I may even check out this Brightkite account that I just got. Anyway, any suggestions on what I should do when I'm out there in Vegas?