Thanks so much to Dr. Bruce Campbell for joining the show. (See video post above) His blog is called Reflections In A Head Mirror. We talked about how he chose his career as an ear, nose, and throat specialist. He said that he was originally going to be a primary care physician, but then changed to ENT - that's an interesting story.
We then talked about how be started blogging. His hospital asked him (and a few other docs at where he works) to start writing articles for the hospital. This then was moved forward to blogging. Bruce shares an interesting story about how did (and still does) keep a journal of his reflections on life. That's so interesting, because that's a theme that I have found - especially with physician bloggers. I did keep a journal myself for a few years, so I can relate to where he's coming from.
I would like to thank my callers to joining the show as well. Dr. Val asked about the peritonsillar abcess which sometimes can be an emergency situation which needs treated right away. Theresa, who is a new blogger at Rural Doctoring, called in and asked about the diagnosis and treatment of sinus infections. ScanMan also called in later in the show to talk about sinus x-rays. Thanks also to Kb and MediMediMary for calling in and saying hello. Also, in the chat room for the first time was Buckeye Surgeon. Thanks for everyone's support of the show.
I also talked about some news stories at the end of the show: Some Shun Wireless Internet, Warning issued over unlicensed sex drugs, Japan man stalks toll-free line to hear woman's voice. Let me know if you like news stories at the end of the show. I'm debating with myself whether to keep this part in. Don't forget to rate Show number 36 on the BlogTalkRadio site. Have a great weekend everybody!