This morning, I was notified that someone called "ruraldoctoring" is now following me on twitter. So, as I usually do, I check out the blog. And, it looks like this blogger just started this week. Remember when you first started blogging and wondering whether anyone would read your stuff? Here's an introduction:
My name is Theresa Chan. I'm a family physician working in rural Northern California. This blog is about the small triumphs and everyday drama of making a living in medicine.This is really great stuff. So, I encourage you to check out the Rural Doctoring blog and follow her on her twitter feed. I think this blogger has great potential, and I think you will too. And, don't forget to tell her that Doctor Anonymous sent ya!There are a lot of good medical blogs to read, and many of them are much better than I am at dissecting the policy missteps that have led to the current collapse in primary care, and at criticizing the government policymakers behind them. However, most medblogs have a decidedly urban/academic/policy-centered focus.
What is missing is the voice from small-town doctors such as myself, who are struggling with policy failures in rural settings in which clinical services and political advocacy are severely limited. What is also missing is the personal testimony of individual doctors making career choices that represent disappointing concessions to these same policy failures, all in order to survive financially in the current medical climate.