One of the things I love about the blogosphere is reading people who are passionate about their point of view and wants to share it with the world. Kerri Morrone is one of these people. Her blog is Six Until Me and I have been following an education and advocacy "movement" on her blog she calls "Raise Your Voice." She has designated Monday, April 14th to 'Raise Your Voice.'
What she is looking to do is to raise awareness about Type I Diabetes Mellitus. The media is full of messages about Type II DM, and it should be with the numbers rising and younger and younger kids being diagnosed with Type II. What Kerri is trying to do is raise awareness on what has traditionally been called "juvenile onset diabetes."
Just in the past week, she held a logo contest on her blog (the winner is above). There even now is a Raise Your Voice shop where one can purchase t-shirts, stickers, buttons, and magnets. All profits will go to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
I am so moved by this effort, that I have invited Kerri to be on the next edition of The Doctor Anonymous Show to briefly talk about her Raise Your Voice project and about Type I Diabetes. (This will be in addition to our already scheduled guests) So, if you haven't already, check out her blog and take part in Raise Your Voice. Good Luck, Kerri and we'll talk more on Thursday night!