Thanks so much to my guests Kevin MD and Dr. Val for coming on the show. (See video post above) Not only did Kevin talk about his recent USA Today Op-Ed piece, but also why physicians should write opinion pieces for blogs, for newspapers, and other media sources.
Dr. Val talked about her great week which included her interview with the former surgeon general of the United States, her Grand Rounds hosting experience, her running of a conference call celebrating the first year anniversary of Revolution Health, and her quote in the Wall Street Journal.
I was only able to schedule 60 minutes live time and we went another 30 minutes over. In this last 30 minutes, we talked about personal health information out there on the internet. Great conversation and springboard for our guest next week who is John Halamka from GeekDoctor.
Thanks also to my callers MexicoMedStudent and Dr. Rob. I appreciate you contributing to the conversation. Thanks to those who were able to join us in the live chat room. And, thanks to all of you for listening to the show either live and/or on the archives. I really appreciate everyone's continued support of the show. Have a great weekend! (Don't forget to rate the show right here!)