What a great show tonight! Thanks so much to Bongi, Sid, Kerri, Vijay, and everyone who joined us live in the chat room. (Video post above). For me, it was really interesting hearing Bongi and Sid talk about how it is to be a surgeon in his country and in this country. I admit I don't know all that technical stuff. But, listening to how they approach the same procedure - fascinating.
I felt like I was at an international conference, but still in my place. Plus, with Vijay calling in live from India and describing some of the same infrastructure problems and government problems in his country and how it is the same there as it is in South Africa and/or in the United States. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Thanks also to Kerri for calling in at the beginning of the show. Raise Your Voice is what she's trying to do to raise awareness about Type 1 Diabetes. Best of luck with that and best of luck with your wedding planning and your wedding -- next month -- Ek!
Our guest next week will be the aforementioned Vijay from Scan Man's Notes. He's a radiologist in India and has a great blog. Also, on May 1st, John Halamka from GeekDoctor.Blogspot.com. Trained as an Emergency Physician, John is on the cutting edge of information technology. And, we'll get to talk about it.
I really feel that this show is coming together as how I envisioned the thing. It's so much more than an interview show. It's a way for medbloggers to connect in a way "beyond the blog" (hehe). But, you know what I mean (I hope). Reading text posts and writing text comments are one thing, but to hear people's voices and to talk with people in real time. This is the way that the medical blogosphere is going, and I'm very excited about it. Have a great weekend, everybody! (Don't forget to rate the show here.)