Thanks so much to Berci from Science Roll for being on the show. (see video post above) We had a great conversation about his life as a medical student. We also discussed his first and only trip to the United States. We was asked to do presentations in Long Beach, California and at Yale. I mean, I have never been to Yale - let alone asked to do a presentation there. Very impressive.
We also talked about his opinions regarding Web 2.0 and Medicine. An interesting perspective. He has a passion for genetics and genomics. If you don't know what exactly they are, he does a good job at trying to define these complicated terms. He graduates from medical school in about a year and a half. He either wants to pursue a PhD or residency. (I think some places offer both of these tracks.)
I certainly wish him the best of luck. We also talked about his blog carnival called Medicine 2.0. I've read this and, I have to admit, that some of that stuff is right over my head. Don't get me wrong, genetics is very important. It's just that it's pretty complicated and the research in genetics is very complicated. Nevertheless, I volunteered to be a host for Medicine 2.0 in the future. Berci told me that he would definitely help me through the process.
I have a favor to ask all of you out there in the medical blogosphere. I would really appreciate it if you could give me feedback on this week's show. In particular, I'm looking for your opinion of the sound quality of the show. Could you hear me ok? Could you hear Berci ok? For those of you who listened live, how easy or difficult was it to navigate the Talkshoe site?
I'd like this feedback to see what you think of Blog Talk Radio verses Talkshoe. I won't share my opinions yet, because I don't want to bias your feedback. But, any information and feedback is helpful to me as I decide where to do the majority of my shows. Have a great weekend, everybody!