It's so great being back to doing the show. (Don't forget to rate the show here) Check out my video post above for more details. I did want to thank Ramona from Suture for a Living for calling into the show. Also, thanks to sarebear from Pie-Bolar Served w/ 3 Flavors of Anksia Tea. And, thanks to Brandice for calling into the show. In addition to her blog, she is co-host of a video podcast called STeaP (super tea people). Definitely check those blogs out.
Finally, Sunday March 30th is National Doctors' Day. Thanks to all the docs out there. You're doing a great job and don't let anyone tell you anything different. Also, I'll be remembering those docs who are no longer with us - especially friends and mentors who have helped guide me to where I am today. So, if you haven't already, just tell a doc - "Thanks for what you do." That'll definitely bring a smile to her or his face. Have a great weekend, everybody!