Thanks so much to Sid Schwab for being on the show. It was a really fun interview. (video post above) We probably could have talked for another hour. I'll definitely have to bring him back on the show. There was talk in the chat room about bringing Mrs. Sid onto the next show. So, that should be interesting.
We talked about how be chose general surgery as a career. He also shared some stories from medical school, residency, and his 25 years of practice. At the end of the show, we briefly talked about his book: Cutting Remarks: Insights and Recollections of a Surgeon.
The chat room was as busy as it has ever been -at times as many as 22 people chatting. So, if you have never listened to the show live - you are missing "the show within the show." I did have a few small technical glitches, but I don't think that it affected the audio at all (you can let me know otherwise).
Thanks so much to the people who called in as well. Bongi called in all the way from South Africa where is was 4am. Sid has a dream of working with Bongi some day. Dr. Rob also called in and Sid called him "The Dave Barry of the Medical Blogosphere." It was great to hear from Dr. Rob again.
Enrico checked in to give a brief update on his situation. Suffice to say that he is going to have to find a new URL - maybe we can help him find a new name for his blog (leave me a comment if you would like to help - hehe). Enrico asked the question about how to balance work and life.
SeaSpray said that she never called into a show or was in a chat room before. Thanks so much for calling in. She is a regular reader and commenter on Sid's blog. She also shared a story of how Sid helped her last year. Finally, EricThePragmatic called in and told the story of how Sid was his mother's surgeon - a touching story.
So, if you didn't listen live - why didn't you? Sheesh! Well, listen in my sidebar or click here. Also, if I can ask a favor, after you listen to the show, please rate the show and leave a comment. It will really help my BlogTalkRadio ratings.
Next week - Look out, because The Ladies invade The Doctor Anonymous Show. It is the Valentine's Day Estrofest. My guests include Dr. Val, Jenni from Chronic Babe, Crzegrl, and EE. Call your friends and wake the neighbors - This will be a fun show. Who knows what we'll talk about and what will happen? Have a great weekend, everybody!