I'm so mad right now that - that - I don't know what I could do. I'm just venting. You know this is what happens when I really try to promote a show. The problem started from the first minute. There was this annoying echo that I could hear. At first, I thought that one of my guests was causing the feedback, but it wasn't.
The echo really threw me off for the entire show. It felt like I was in a tunnel for the entire thing. Thanks so much to Dr. Val, Jenni, and Crzegrl for sticking with things and wanting to go forward with the show. Thanks also to Mother Jones who called into the show to add some banter.
What we found out later was that the audio from my show was cutting into the audio of another show. The host of the other show called in and explained the problem. Seemed like a pleasant chap, but what I found out later was that they were encouraging people to get into my chat room and call in to disrupt the show - that's not cool.
I haven't heard the audio yet from the other show, but that is what I've been told. I guess that other show had nothing else to talk about because they ended their show 30 minutes early. I guess after my audio stopped messing up their show, they had nothing else to talk about. But, I'll have to listen to their show to see exactly what they were talking about.
So, for those of you who listened to the show live - I really appreciate you listening. I apologize for the bad audio, and I'm sorry that the other show was disrupting things. I'm going to try to contact BlogTalkRadio to see what the problem was. If I don't get a satisfactory answer, I may have to move the show over to Talkshoe. I think they would appreciate a medblogger talk show host. Don't you think? Have a great weekend, everybody!