
Grand Rounds

If you haven't checked it out already, Grand Rounds Vol 5 Number 11 is now up and running over at Mexico Med Student by our buddy Enrico. His theme is "Death and Transfiguration." He also has music files between sections. In addition, he has a new wordpress theme. So, he pulled out all the stops for this week's GR. Why this week's theme? He explains why below:

Death and Transfiguration is a “tone poem,” literally, a musical literary depiction. In this case, it is of a dying artist on his deathbed in his last moments, and what is experienced up to, including and after death. A patient in a bed knowing it can be the end is certainly scared, and perhaps even confused.
Thanks to this week's Grand Rounds host for including my post this week:
Doctor Anonymous shares his thoughts as part of yesterday’s official observance of World AIDS Day. It is, as he pointed out, the 20th anniversary of the event, and we have made incredible strides in that time.
I admit that I haven't mentioned GR in a while. I have to admit that I've been a lazy medical blogger in that I haven't written anything for this fabulous blog carnival in a while. If you don't know what Grand Rounds is, it is a weekly compilation of the best posts from the medical blogosphere that moves to different sites each week. And, who doesn't like reading about medicine and science? Next week, Grand Rounds moves to the blog called "Sharp Brains."