Thanks so much to Øystein Horgmo from the blog The Sterile Eye for being on Show 59. (Check out the video post above - sorry that the sound is a little overmodulated) (And, you can listen to the show on the player above - or download the podcast here) He called in live from his home in Norway where it was 3am. His blog is about medical photography and he also takes photos for this Norwegian cancer site (I think he said that they were thinking about making an english translation of the site at some point).
Patient privacy issues are something that was interesting to the chat room. And, he answered questions on how patient consent was obtained before taking photos - and he does video as well. His blog is one year old now, and he gave some advice for new bloggers out there on how to possibly continue as long as a year with your blog.
Thanks so much to those who called into the show including Marq, Dr. Rob, Ramona, and Vijay (hope that I didn't forget anyone). At one point Øystein (Norway), Vijay (India), and myself were all on the call at the same time. It sounded like we were in the same room, even though we are continents apart. (Even Crzegrl, host of this week's Change of Shift, listened live from Barcelona, Spain) Very cool.
Near the end of the show, we received an update from our friend Kevin Haynes who lives in New York State. You may remember Kevin called in to Show 54 where he told the story of the family of Sgt Toland (CNN report here). Kevin shared how the community came together to further help this man and his family. (I apologize for not having the details here. I have to re-listen to the show and hopefully will post the update here).
I just haven't been feeling good this week - a little bit under the weather - and the stress of getting back to work after a week of vacation. That's why I haven't been on Twitter that much and that's why I didn't to any video posting this week (other than this post). At least, I'm not on call this weekend, so I'll be able to try to get myself a little better. Physician, heal thy self, right? Well, have a good week and weekend everybody!