
Show Update

If you didn't already know, I'm not going to have a blogtalkradio show this week. I know that I mentioned this previously, but I'm the team physician for our boys high school soccer team. We have an away game on show night. So, rather than be stressed out about being home on time for the show, I just cancelled the show. As you may remember, I ended up being late for a show a few weeks ago, and I still feel bad about that (especially for the scheduled guest).

Anyway, there will not be a BTR show, but I may go live with my Ustream channel when I get home from the game. It's just that I don't know exactly when I will be home. I'm thinking that I will be home between 9:30-10pm eastern time. If people are going to be around, leave a comment below or send me a twitter. Keep track of if/when I go live by subscribing to my twitter feed.

I also wanted to highlight some links for this week. First, I did want to mention again GruntDoc's caption contest. He even has newly designed graphics for caption winners. Secondly, I wanted to mention Emergiblog's poll on possible topics for the MedBlogger track for the 2009 BlogWorld Expo. Get on over there and vote in her poll. Thirdly, another shout out to Kevin, MD for his op-ed piece.

Have you been tracking Dr. Val as she has been tracking through new media medicine with her guest blogging on a variety of different sites. A good summary is over at Suture For A Living. Next week, the one and only Dr. Val will grace us with his presence on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 9pm eastern time on blogtalkradio.

Finally, did you know that I call into other BTR shows? Yes, this does happen. Last night, I called into The Annie and Burl Live show when they were talking about something called "Horny Goat Weed." What's that? Start listening at about 10 minutes into the show for the start of this discussion. I called into the show about 64 minutes into the show and who knows what I was talking about - you'll have to listen to the show to check it out.