A little bit different post today. Yes, I'm trying audioblogging again. I'm still calling it a blogcast, but I'm not that happy with the name. It's not really a podcast. I've heard podcasts, and this audio file is not as good as some podcasts out there.
Anyway, there's no medicine in this blogcast today. I talk about blogging, specifically, my challenge in trying to keep the blog fresh and not stale with the same ideas/format.
Here's the question I pose on the blogcast: What do you do to keep from getting blog burnout? Take a blog break? Post on different subjects? Sometimes start an entirely new blog?
I close my blogcast by mentioning two of my favorite podcasts. My Three Shrinks: Great information and great banter. I can't wait for the next podcast. The Dashing MD: He's a surgeon in training on the west coast of the US. He has interesting patient stories.
Just FYI, the audio file itself is about 6MB to download and it is in MP3 format. Enjoy! Here's the link to Blogcast #4.