I was pleasantly surprised to check my e-mail box to find this message:
Congratulations on your award on The Rising Blogger. It is a brand new site that awards posts, not blogs. Your post from April 24, 2007 "Asians: The New American Villian" won.I read their opinion regarding my Post of the Day, and found it interesting. What I really found refreshing is that even though they disagreed with my opinion, they still awarded the post.Since we award posts, not blogs, you might even win again. We ask winners to nominate a post favorite of a fellow blogger. Call it "paying it forward". It is not a requirement. You have won this award because we truly feel you deserve it. Great post, good job! Thanks, Judd Corizan
It is his conclusion that we disagree with, that since Imus was fired, so should they. We are not sure if you disagree with one firing that you should use it as a reason for another. But, as we said this post is a fantastic read. As an Asian American he speaks of the tragedy at Virginia Tech and the face of the murderer.I definitely concede the point that justifying wrong behavior (the firing of Imus) with more wrong behavior (the firing of these radio personalities) is not the way to solve the problem. I appreciate their fair analysis of this and I am humbled by this award. Thanks so much! I encouage you to check out their blog. It's a great read.
Now, as the message says above, I should nominate a favorite post to "pay it forward." What a great idea! I'll definitely be on the look out next week. If any of you fellow blogaholics have suggestions on really good posts, send them my way, and I'll take a look at it. What I like, I'll send to Mr. Corizan. Get your best posts ready, because I'm coming to check them out!