
Worst blog of all time

Vote for me today! I was nominated in the Blogger's Choice Awards for the Worst Blog of All Time. What an honor! I can't believe that someone would go through all the time and trouble for nominating me. Thanks to all of you who nominated me. I'll try to do you proud!

Actually, not really. Just kidding. But, there has been a little bit of a buzz out there in the blogosphere about these blogger choice awards. In looking at the best health blog category, the top vote-getter only has about 50 votes.

I learned the first time about blog awards. I just let myself get caught up in the hoopla. There's a lot of other better and more popular blogs out there. I'm content to sit on the sidelines and let others fight it out on this one.

By the way, I did enjoy my little blog holiday. I hope I didn't worry anyone. Sometimes you just need to take a break away from things to clear your mind before re-starting again. More posts soon....