
The Emergiblog Interview

This week The Doctor Anonymous LIVE show welcomes Kim from Emergiblog: The Life and Times of an ER nurse. In my opinion, the most popular nurse blogger on the internet. She's also known for the popular nursing blog carnival called Change of Shift.

Join us on Thursday, November 15th, 2007 at 10pm Eastern Time. We'll be talking about her blog, Change of Shift, and a lot more - like who is that guy in the picture above! You can also join us in the live chat room or even call into the show to ask Kim a question. The chat room worked for the last show. Let's hope it works again. You'll just have to tune in to find out. 

I also wanted to thank everyone for supporting Grand Rounds this week with your visits and links on your blog. The number of visits yesterday was about 400% more than I usually receive. Plus, the number of people listening to the show continues to increase every week. Get on the Doctor Anonymous Live train now! Tune in tomorrow....