
Blog funk

First of all, thanks so much for everyone's comments and suggestions on how to try to get out of my blog block. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I'm in full blog funk mode.

For your entertainment, I have nine-and-a-half minutes of the pure funk experience above. But, that's good funk. Me, I'm in that bad funk place. The rest of this post is going to be rambling (and maybe whining also). So, feel free to click off at anytime....

I've been trying all weekend to change over to the dreaded blogger beta. For some reason, I'm still not allowed to do that. I'm starting to get a complex. Does someone not want me to join the rest of you over there? One day am I going to find my account deleted because I didn't change over? Strange.

And, everytime I get that rejection page, the thought always goes through my mind that I should just switch over to somewhere like wordpress, or typepad, or another blog host. I don't have the technical know-how to set up my own site and server. But, I've had many offers to take care of that for me and to leave blogger.

Maybe I just need to get out of Dodge and take a little break. I am going out of town this coming weekend for a meeting. Maybe that's the spark I'll need to get out of this funk.

Ever get in a rut? I mean, not just blogging, but in life? Kind of getting caught up in the rat race of everyday life - just trying to keep your head above water with everything that is going on. Don't get me wrong, I'm very lucky to have the life that I do.

But, something just doesn't feel right lately. And, I haven't figured out what it is. I dunno. Maybe I'm sick of the cold weather around here and can't wait for the warmer temperatures of spring. Maybe it's the fatigue catching up to me. Or, maybe, just maybe, I just need to relax and stop being such a worry wart.

Thanks for tolerating this post. I know whatever is going on will work it's way out of my system and my psyche. Till then, I'll use the many of your suggestions to get out of this blogblock and blogfunk. Thanks for sticking with me....