Short post today. All morning I've been watching the news about these two boys, Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby, who were kidnapped and miraculously found this week. I can't even imagine what that must have felt like both for these kids and for their families.
There have been many references to the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping as well. I remember when that was in the news - both her being missing and her being found. I can't help but wonder how this shocking experience will mold their lives. I guess we won't know for a number of years.
Here's one thing that really gets me upset in uplifting news stories like this one. Once the "feel good" feelings wear off, which usually take a day or two, the news then focuses on the perpetrator. This guy will become the celebrity criminal of the week. The press will "try to get into the head of" whomever this guy is.
Then, the TV movie will be made which will somehow rationalize this guy's behavior with some kind of story of a tragic childhood. Don't get me wrong. Guys like this never have a "normal" upringing. But, as always happens, the press (and probably Hollywood) will somehow remove the personal accountability for his actions by making excuses and make this guy famous. Really burns me up sometimes. I guess this post wasn't so short after all...