You're going to think I am completely making this up, but bear with me...
The life of a Columbian gang member is hard these days. You go out and threaten people, launder money, and sometimes, have to shoot and kill someone. Work can sometimes be long days and nights. And, when you get home, all you want to do is relax, watch your 102-inch plasma TV with satellite hook up, have some drinks, and get a little somthin-somthin from your lady. That's all he asks.
But, NO! Forget that deal, Pedro. The women of the Columbian town called Pereria have taken things into their own hands, sort of. They have declared what they call the crossed legs strike, according to this story from CBS news. Apparently, when their men give up their guns, they will give them some lovin'.
One gang member's girlfriend said withholding sex was proving a powerful incentive. "The boys listen to us. When we close ourselves off a bit they listen to us. If they don't give up their weapons, then we won't be with them," Margarita told AP Television.I've heard that the United Nations is really getting behind this initiative. Instead of the oil-for-food program, they're calling this, well, you can probably figure out the name yourself."They say that if we don't drop our weapons, they won't be with us anymore," said a local gang member, who called himself Caleno. "We need our women, and you'll change for your woman."
What kind of signs would be used for this protest? What would be the chants used? Strike organizers are plannning to go from bedroom to bedroom to bring their message to the masses. Maybe the Beatles were right: All you need is love (or lack of it) *cough*