I usually don't get even close to political commentary. But, as a disclaimer, this post may go there.
I turned on the news this morning and the two news stories getting the most attention were Hurricane Ernesto in the Atlantic and the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. There was a five minute segment on Ernesto and a 25 minute segment on Katrina. The survival stories of the people from New Orleans are inspiring, yet saddening because some still have nothing.
What frustrates me are the politicians (usually democrat) that are brought onto these shows who just hammer away on how Katrina relief was slow (which I agree with - local, state, and federal gov't could have done better) and how we're not ready for an Ernesto disaster if that happens. Is this the media coverage that's going to happen for the next two weeks? I see politicians re-hashing this thing all over again just to advance their political agendas.
I turned to another channel this afternoon, and watched one of the many stories from September 11. These are all moving stories which effect me, even years later. But, this story was followed by a politician (usually republican) who appears to be trying to advance a political agenda. I have heard that the next two weeks will be best time (politically) for democrats, then the republicans will have their turn.
Just as a friendly piece of advice to all the politicians and political pundants out there, stay away from making these anniversaries into a political statement. I am not trying to take away from the tragedies that happened, but what frustrates me is politicians and other people trying to capitalize on this.
I know it's an important election year in the United States. And, I know that these two dates bring on a lot of emotion. But, if people try to score some political points at the expense of human suffering, that's going to turn a lot of people off, including me.