It's tough being a quarterback in the National Football League these days. You may have heard about Ben Roethlisberger a couple of months ago when he crashed his motorcycle. Ben is fine and started his first preseason game yesterday.
I ran into a story this morning from Nashville, Tennessee where an NFL mascot, in a golf cart, accidentally hit the opposing team's quarterback during halftime festivities. The quarterback was checked out by trainers, walked off the field, and then did not come back to play the second half.
The player was ok. But, I mean, c'mon! Maybe the NFL is trying to toughen the image of mascots. Here's the slogan: "NFL Mascots: Don't Mess With Us!" Maybe there will be a song about this, like the whole head-butt episode.
In a related story, the mascot was seen at the bar hours later receiving "high fives" and telling the story again and again at the Mascot Anonymous meeting. HA!